miércoles, 2 de julio de 2008

Museo Ferroviario Baquedano / Railway museum Baquedano

Museo Ferroviario Baquedano

Este museo esta inserto en una ex-maestranza de ferrocarriles, los que funcionaban a fines del siglo XIX, donde además se encuentra una Casa de Maquinas del ferrocarril que era del Estado del país con 16 locomotoras para apreciar. También conserva herramientas, talleres, y algunas locomotoras Alemanas y norteamericanas.

Dirección: Ex Maestranza del FCAB. II Región Antofagasta

Valor de entrada: Gratuita

Railway museum Baquedano

This museum I insert this one in a railroad ex-fraternity of mounted knights, which were working at the end of the 19th century, where in addition one finds a House of Machines of the railroad that was of the State of the country with 16 locomotives to estimate. Also it preserves tools, workshops, and some German and North American locomotives.

Schedule of attention: Ex-fraternity of mounted knights of the FCAB. The IInd Region Antofagasta

Value of entry: Free

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